HRD Institute Yoga Centre

HRD Institute Yoga Centre, with its most powerful curative therapies, Yoga, Reiki, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Meditation Camp and Acupressure, will help you learn how to fight with diseases and to attain Physical and Mental Health from within yourself. It will teach you a way of life.

HRD Institute Yoga Centre started the Yoga Center with to ensure that every person coming here should experience ones inner strength through yoga and meditation. This is a powerful place designed for one to explore the inner aspects and continue the journey through the four main paths of yoga – Knowledge (Gyan Yoga) , Action (Karma Yoga), Energy (Kriya Yoga) and Devotion (Bhakti Yoga). HRD Institute Yoga Centre is a Certified Yoga teacher. He encountered the teaching while on the quest to heal himself from a near death experience of a road accident. When Doctors told him that he would never walk again, he took matters into his own hands and found the healing powers of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama. Today, HRD Institute Yoga Centre is one of the most recognized Yoga and Meditation teachers in India and spends most of his time teaching all over India.


Inverting our usual posture and pressing the torso towards the joints is beneficial to improve the functioning of internal organs and help digestion. At the same time, doing so affects the nervous system, relaxing and soothing it. Such yoga poses have also proved to be beneficial against anxiety, stress, and depression.

Prasarita Padottasana is an excellent example for inverted asanas. The inversion of the torso and contact of the head’s crown to earth helps relieving back shoulders and neck on a physical level, the mind on the emotional and physical one. Hence, it is a remedy for headaches, but also to pause for a while the rumination and overthinking that do not let us enjoy our present.

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